Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

DevOps for AI Apps (Part 2)

Welcome back to the second of this two-part piece on DevOps for AI Apps. In part one, we explored the differences between regular apps and AI apps, drilled into some of the added complexity and thought about the benefits of adopting a DevOps methodology for enterprise AI app projects....

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DevOps for AI Apps (Part 1)

Looking through various recent studies on the success of AI Apps for enterprises, It seems many businesses have developed AI Apps, but the apps only very rarely make it into production. Challenges seem to come from everywhere, from infrastructure and capacity, to skills scarcity, to the lack of automation...

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Observe, Engage and Act AIOps with vRealize (Part 1)

The Need for Intelligence  In today’s age of mass digital transformation, it’s not always the strongest, or largest businesses that survive and thrive. It’s often the ones who can adapt the quickest to the change in markets.  If you were running a bricks-and-mortar only store pre-COVID, when lock-down hit, you needed to either adopt technology very quickly, or risk obsolescence. It didn’t matter if you...

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NVIDIA GTC Highlights!

Hi Everyone, my now second favourite yearly tech conference (after VMworld!) NVIDIA GTC has wrapped for 2021 and as it was the first one I attended, I’d like to share with you some of my personal highlights! Innovators, Technologists and Creatives. For anyone not aware of GTC, it’s NVIDIA’s...

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